Saturday, 14 July 2007


I'm feeling super tired today so not much writing as I'm lolling around the house eating ice-cream and watching the Tour de France on tv. Boy those guys are fit, it's exhausting just looking at them! But then I can only just about manage an exercise bike so I'm bound to be in awe.

More collage to show you, I seem to be in a bright colour mood lately and so I made this.


  1. sigh


    your art is simply dreamy


  2. oooooohh...this is a great one!

  3. Yay for polka dots! A very fun composition - but really, it's the choice of colours that makes it so vibrant. I just love this stong red.

    BTW, I've finally gotten around to organizing my blog a little, and updated all my blog and website links, etc.. Sorry your link was a bit (!) overdue... I hope I can bring more visitors to your lovely site. Here's to more ice cream eating while watching les cyclistes...

  4. Great work, thank you
    Have a good day

  5. I do miss our own Austinite Lance but hey it was time for a change..My stationary bike is gathering dust, I am glad someone is taking advantage of theirs :)

    Silly tech question: is this stunning collage a combination of traditional paper/glue and computer generated elements? It is impressive both in composition and color!
