Saturday, 1 September 2007

Lucky Days

White rabbits! Pinch, punch, first of the month! Well autumn is just around the corner here. I've noticed some of the trees starting to turn already and it's noticeably cooler in the evening and morning.

Even though we've had a pretty awful summer I'm rather looking forward to it. I love going for walks around the neighbourhood to see the changes taking place and savouring that feeling of preparation, battening down the hatches, which seems to be in the air.

So here's a young lady wrapped in her shawl. Maybe she's doing the same thing.
For sale here

Hope all my US friends are having a great Labor Day weekend!


  1. Excellent artwork as usual, Fran! We're having a good holiday's 103 degrees!

  2. Very nice piece - love all the pieces of it and the mood. And this Canadian is having a great Labour Day too!

  3. Hi, I clicked on ebay but I could not find her! Did anyone buy it????? Please email me about this piece. Very interested. Thanks!

  4. Today is Wed Sept 26..Did that gorgeous piece sell?
