Saturday, 7 August 2010

Creative Colour Challenge

This week I'm all about monotypes. I was digging through my printmaking supplies a few days ago and this prompted me to pull a few new prints. I enjoy monotypes because they offer immediate gratification along with a faint air of unpredictability. Unlike woodcuts or linotypes you only get one print from a mono because the smooth plate is inked and then drawn or otherwise marked into before pressing. The ink and design is more or less exhausted by that one pull although it's sometimes possible to get a second faint 'ghost' from the same plate.

Anyhoo I just signed up for Louise Gale's Creative Colour Challenge where each week we have a new colour to explore. This week's theme is yellow. It's a really fun way to try something new as I don't normally work in tones of just one colour. We are allowed to use black and white in addition but it's still a good stretch to create something. This piece uses Cadmium yellow, Hansa Yellow, Naples Yellow and Nickel Azo Gold and it's a mixture of monotype, block printing and a good thick trowel full of acrylic paint.

If you fancy a go yourself I think there's still time to sign up - just go to the link I posted above. And if you want to see what everyone has produced this week take a peek at the Flickr group. Can't wait to see what we're doing next week!


  1. Anonymous2:00 pm

    ooh, fran, i love it! love the tones and really love the textures. gorgeous! xx

  2. Beautiful piece! These colors make me want to dance.

  3. This piece was my favorite of the color challenge- I wanted to say great work! I love the texture in it- it's very tactile.

  4. I love your creations and its so great to have you be part of this challenge. Your piece above has some wonderful texture. Hope you had a fun weekend. :-)

  5. Hi! Love the textures in this piece. Would make a nice texture for a digital project too. sandra
