Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Lyra and Iorek

Many years ago I used to work almost exclusively in graphite, then I stopped drawing entirely and haven't worked in it since I rediscovered my love of art. But today I unearthed a box of Derwent pencils and charcoal that I bought a couple of years ago and promptly mislaid - believe me, if you'd seen how untidy my studio is you wouldn't find that at all hard to accept - and decided they would do nicely for this piece I sketched out last night.

With the film version of The Northern Lights out soon I've been thinking about how much I enjoyed the books. Well not the third one so much; I found that a little disappointing, but the first two are excellent and far too sophisticated to be read only by children!

So this is Lyra Belacqua and Iorek Byrnison. Actually I've taken a bit of a liberty with Iorek. He's from the far north so should probably be a polar bear and much bigger, but for the purposes of this drawing he's become darker furred and more Kodiak-like. This is, as you no doubt have guessed, just the work-in-progress. I'll post the finished version when it's, er, finished.


  1. Gorgeous! I am not familiar with the books though...

  2. WOW!! i love seeing artists' in progress...
    i tries the triology a few years ago, and i could not get into them. i was surprised - set in oxford, all the theology and deep mysticism...
    be sure to show us when it's finished :o)

  3. I agree with Claire - seeing a WIP is a great treat! Thank you for sharing!...your artistic talent always impresses me, your kindness makes my day! You are special and I'm glad to know you!

    Thanks Fran!

  4. as always - your amazing gift is lovely to see - especially in a WiP! Keep sharing!!!

    I'm glad to see your art/version of the figures - I won't see the movie (golden compass) - seeking to/killing God is way too dark for me (insert shocked face icon here)

    The art in the trailer is rich and attractive - they would have benefitted from your talent though I am sure :)

  5. So lovely! Such talent! I too worked in graphite only many many moons ago. This past year I found my box of pencils, charcoal and stumps. I pulled them out and put them where I would remember but my drawing talent feels more than rusty, it just feels gone.
