I don't usually try to grow veggies in my garden because it's so tiny that finding somewhere suitable to plant things can be difficult. I used to have an allotment some years ago which produced loads of lovely food but for various reasons I had to give it up, and veg growing along with it. However, inspired by the BBC's Dig In, I thought I'd have another go this year, albeit on a small scale.
They're very kindly giving away free packets of seed, as you can see in the photo, so I applied for some and today, it being the warmest one we've had so far, I was outside inhaling the scent of my daffodils and sowing French beans, courgettes, basil, carrots and cut-and-come-again salad greens. I made some newspaper pots and filled them with our homemade compost, of which we have an abundant supply. This is V's baby really. He tends and turns the heap to produce the most wonderful dark loam which is like the best three course meal for the plants and fine enough to use for potting up and seed sowing. Wonderful!
Now all I have to do is wait for germination and dream of the succulent organic goodies to come!
Ooooh Fran... love it! That great feeling of softly blanketing the wee seeds in the moist goodness. For me that's usually the highlight of the growing experience. I'm sure you'll do much better than me. Wouldn't mind the recipe for V's compost though! :)