Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Studio Life and Facebook

I am still soldiering on with the reorganisation of my studio despite now being hampered with a frozen shoulder. Did I mention how fed up I am with all my physical wonkiness lately?

Anyway, as you can see, there is some small semblance of order being imposed as I now have my old G-Plan sideboard up there (still impressed with how V managed to manoeuvre this monster up our very steep and narrow dog-legged staircase!) and so more storage space.

I have not, however, managed to get any work done in all the chaos and am missing my paints and bits of paper very much. What I have done though is finally set up a Dancing-Girl page on Facebook. This will have updates on my work, general studio stuff, special offers and anything else I can think of which would be of interest. So if you'd like to, I'd be honoured to have you join me over there - just follow the link and click the 'Like' button!


  1. Anonymous11:22 am

    having recently moved my "studio" as well, i can say with honesty and enthusiasm that you WILL CREATE soon enough :) hope the wonkiness wanes soon xTam

  2. Anonymous11:35 am

    well that looks super organised to me! ...or are you only showing us the good bits? lol

    soz about your wonky shoulder - hope it sorts itself out soonest. xx

  3. Thank you Tami :)

    Maisie, darn you sussed it! Yes, if I panned the camera round you would see the heaps of unsorted mess in the rest of the room, lol. Nowhere near finished yet alas!

  4. i would seriously die from joy if i spent time in your studio...

    (ps. i will seriously give you a seriously geisha work of art if you make my blog look like this...only like me...haha)

  5. wow! your studio is so clean!
